Co-founder CSW and Founder MCC
As the co-founder of Cristopher Street West, I am thrilled to see them change the 2017 pride parade to a human rights march. For me it’s always been about humanizing our community, standing up for those who need us most, and giving a voice to those who are sometimes invisible. Marching for human rights fits squarely within the principals of CSW’s founding.
I’ll see you all on June 11th!
Chair, California Democratic Party
The #ResistMarch is an undeniable statement that LGBTQ Californians will fiercely resist any effort to roll back our rights. We fought hard for the progress we have made. We are resolved for the fights ahead. And we are determined to keep standing up for the rights of every lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Californian.
It’s about time that we got back to using the word MARCH. As a founder of the very first chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966, I became aware that vigilance should be the foremost priority of any movement. In my opinion, our LGBT community and especially the grass roots of our movement became complacent, disengaged and eschewed participation.
I hope this #RESIST march re-awakens and re-ignites our vigilance. We must fully realize that our hard won freedom is fragile in this world of hatred. This march is a clarion call to us to “get out of the bars and into the streets.” We must never again be so focused on the celebration of our victories but rather warriors who continue to ensure that our victories are secure.
I was intimately involved in the No on 6, No on 64, and HIV/AIDS issues. I have worked for over 50 years to not allow anyone to control our lives.
Those of us who live in West Hollywood breathe the rather rarefied air of freedoms so often denied to our LGBT brothers and sisters in other parts of the country. So, let us MARCH for ALL of us and be ready to #RESIST
Adam Schiff, Congressman
During this time of uncertainty, there is at least one thing we know to be true, that we are stronger together. Pride is about coming together to show we are not afraid. To show that we are not alone. To show that we celebrate the beautiful diversity of our community. When we start from a place of love and acceptance, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. It may seem like we are facing some brand new challenge, but the truth is we have been here before, we know what to do, let's get to it. See you on the street on June 11th.
Gavin Newsom
Los Angeles is a golden beacon of hope for our country. It is a city that celebrates its diversity, and believes that you can be whoever you are, and become whatever you want to be. As we come together to celebrate Pride this year we send a strong message to Washington DC and our country: we believe you belong here -- no matter who you are, where you come from, what you look like, or who you love."
John Chiang
The last decade has seen some major growth for the LGBTQ community and we should always celebrate those achievements. In that vein, it’s important to remember that we’re not finished. Many openly gay and transgender persons, especially persons of color are denied housing, employment and health services because of who they are. It’s wrong, it’s immoral, and it’s illegal. I am committed to leading the fight to ensure protections are sustained or enhanced in areas where they need be. I believe that this year’s resistance/pride march is an opportunity to elevate a cause we must all focus on: supporting LGBTQ people of color as they pursue their rightful place in our democracy—on school boards, in state houses, and in congress. In doing so we will see the policy discussion regarding LGBTQ rights aggressively pushed and won. The best way to resist is enlist and I’m here to join the fight.
Scott Wiener, California State Senator
As an openly gay California State Senator, I proudly stand with #ResistMarch. So many of our country’s recent advancements toward equality are now under threat in today’s political climate. Even critical healthcare access is in danger. Earlier in my public service, I disclosed my use of PrEP and have advocated for its use to prevent HIV. Now, access to PrEP for lower-income communities is in danger, along with the Affordable Care Act. That’s just one example of why it’s critically important for you to march on Sunday, June 11 at Hollywood and Highland.
Holly J. Mitchell, State Senator
Pride LA inspires all of us by sounding the call to join #ResistMarch in Los Angeles on June 11. I urge everyone who cares about our hard-won freedoms to stand together in the face of abuse and threats from the aggressive intolerance that has gripped our nation. Our progress toward equality and inclusion should not yield to the resentments and reproaches of those who stigmatize and shun those unlike themselves. The LGBTQ+ community, whose members remember the dignity and defiance of Selma and Stonewall, invite us to struggle against those who seek to disempower, once again, America’s historically marginalized individuals and disenfranchised populations. Let’s join them.
Ben Allen, State Senator
As the California State Senator representing West Hollywood, I proudly stand with the LGBTQ+ community in resisting the rhetoric and policies of hate and fear. I am inspired by the power of LA Pride and the long history of marginalized peoples striving together for justice and freedom from all types of violence. I will continue to fight to expand the rights and opportunities of every Californian. Last year, we were able to end the prohibition on organ and tissue donations between HIV positive individuals (SB 1408,) saving many lives. Now we will ensure that the policies out of Washington do not roll back progress or protections for our people. Let’s stand together on June 11th and march for love nationwide.
Jeffrey Prang, Assessor
Achieving equality and acceptance for the LGBTQ requires our ongoing commitment and unity. While great progress has been made toward the advancement of human rights, it is important that we stay strong and resolved--and never allow a slide backwards in the cause of achieving and maintaining basic rights for all people. Marching together for our rights is consistent with our history of standing-up and speaking out. It also adds to the energy and spirit that has become the annual celebration of PRIDE in our neighborhoods and around the world. I am proud to stand with our community and encourage the June 11th demonstration of our determination to advance human rights for the LGBTQ community and all Americans.
Sheila Kuehl, Los Angeles County Supervisor
From the very beginning of our LGBTQ movement, we have marched to protest, to resist and to support human rights. In these threatening times, it is fitting that we return to that passion and energy by recasting the LA Pride Parade as #ResistMarch and showing our dedication to resisting the inhumane Washington agenda. I'll be there on June 11th to joyfully join in protecting the rights that all of our various communities fought so hard to win. We will not retreat. We will stay loud and stay proud.
Eric Garcetti, Mayor
Pride is about resisting with love, because hate has no place in Los Angeles. We will resist any effort to turn America away from the promise of tolerance, respect and dignity for everybody — whether you’re gay or straight, trans or cis gendered, Christian or Muslim, immigrant or native-born. I am proud to celebrate Pride this year with an unequivocal message: we will stand up for each other, speak out for our neighbors, and march boldly forward together in pursuit of equality for all people.
Ron Galperin
Before last year's Pride march, we awoke to the sickening news of nearly 50 of our brothers and sisters killed at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando. What was expected to be a morning of celebration turned into a morning of mourning. Yet we knew that it was so important to simply be together, to recognize how far we've come as a community but also how far we have to go. If we have one thing to thank Donald Trump for, it's bringing us together in recognition that our fates are intertwined. The cause of women is our cause. The cause of immigrants is our cause. The cause of religious minorities is our cause. In these uncertain times, our unity is our strength.
Mike Feuer
In these precarious times, it's more important than ever for all Angelenos to come together, standing up for each other regardless of where they live, how they worship or whom they love. Our Office has been at the forefront of fighting an agenda in Washington that seems bent on tearing us apart and marginalizing so many. I'm proud to join the #ResistMarch on June 11th, assuring our voices are heard in united protest against bigotry and divisiveness.
Herb J. Wesson, Jr., President of the Council & Councilmember 10th District
Los Angeles has always been an example to the rest of the country that inclusiveness is worth fighting for. The #ResistMarch on Sunday, June 11th continues our city's legacy of ensuring no matter who you are or who you love, you will always be welcome in the City of Angels.
Paul Krekorian, Councilmember 2nd District
There are many challenges that lie ahead for our nation, but Los Angeles is and will always be a city of hope and progress. We will not stand idly by and let anyone, even representatives of the federal government, disrespect and dismantle our communities. By showing unity in the face of division, we can help preserve, protect and defend human rights. The #ResistMarch is such an important opportunity for our communities to stand together and promote dignity, justice and equality for all. I urge everyone to join this march as we move toward achieving our common goals.
David Ryu, Councilmember 4th District
In this era of uncertainty, we cannot afford to be complacent. We must resist against hateful attacks and continue to expand equality for all. As a Councilmember for the City of Angels, I am so proud to support the #ResistMarch. We must engage our citizenry to speak out and fight for the values that will make our City, State, and Nation a better place for our children and grandchildren to live. There is a lot of hard work ahead, but I am certain if we stand shoulder to shoulder, we will move forward with progress. Remember, no one is equal until all of us are equal.
Paul Koretz, Councilmember 5th District
Being an American is about having the right to be who you are. Rights don’t come in groups. We shouldn’t need to have ‘LGBTQ’ rights, rights come as individuals. As a former Mayor of West Hollywood, I have long championed human and civil rights and creating a society where all people were valued and welcomed. Donald Trump has empowered racists and bigots throughout our nation. With our #ResistMarch, we are sending a strong message to Washington, D.C. and Mr. Trump that we will not back down, we will not be quiet, and we will stand together.” –
Nury Martinez, Councilwoman 6th District
This Pride season, we will come together as Angelinos for a #ResistMarch. From my first job, as a high school student, where I worked with the LGBTQ community in fighting HIV/AIDS as a peer educator and HIV test counselor; to standing up for LGBTQ students and teachers as a member of the LAUSD Board, I am incredibly proud to be an ally of the LGBTQ community. This community bravely took to the streets after Stonewall, held “die-ins” during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic; and after Prop 8 we marched nationwide. Now, we’ll again take to the streets on to resist the homophobic, transphobic, racist, xenophobic, sexist policies of division coming from D.C. In Los Angeles, we stand and march together, LGBTQ and ally alike!
Mike Bonin, Councilmember 11th District
Right now we are facing, in this country, not just an assault against the LGBT community, as we are in various places around the world, but an existential threat to this country, to democracy, to the rule of law, to having a just society, to civil rights and to civil liberties. Let the #ResistMarch be a day for the LGBT community to acknowledge and stand up and say "we are in this struggle, not just for ourselves, but for everyone, and with everyone." As a community, our existence is threatened in parts of the world. People are literally being killed. And our dignity and our civil rights are being threatened in places around this country. Our existence depends on our resistance, and that resistance must be collective, and it must be not just about us, but about everybody.
Mitch O'Farrell, Councilmember 13th District
In 1970, the first PRIDE 'parade' on the West Coast was held in Hollywood, and an entire community ventured out of the shadows and publicly demonstrated a demand for equal rights and a repudiation of shame because of their sexual orientation. With the Trump administration actively attempting to marginalize entire groups of people because of their race, nationality, or religious beliefs, the LGBTQ+ community knows better than anyone, it's time to organize. Instead of a parade, on June 11th we will march for human rights and repudiate oppression and tyranny. I applaud the Christopher Street West organization for making this change and welcome everyone to Hollywood and the 13th District for a grand kick-off. Not only will we resist, we shall prevail!

Jose Huizar
Los Angeles’ diversity is the very foundation of the vast civic, cultural, social and artistic thought and expression that happen in our great city on a daily basis. It is the prism through which we see ourselves as Angelenos. Our LGBTQ brothers and sisters are an important part of that diversity – we would not be Los Angeles without them. It is my great honor to support LA Pride and the #ResistMarch. When Los Angeles comes together, Washington D.C., and the world, takes notice.
Antonio Villaraigosa, former Mayor of Los Angeles
We have fought and come so far in the last decade—from Obama Administration protections for transgendered students to the Supreme Court decision to strike down noxious bans on gay marriage. Today, we are facing an onslaught of policies that threaten to reverse the hard-fought progress we’ve made in so many areas. Not just in the LGBTQ community, but among all those who are vulnerable or different. We must continue to do what we have always done, which is find the ways to build bridges between our many diverse communities, finding the things we have in common and standing up for each other, not in spite of, but because we are different. I’m proud to stand for LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, immigrant rights, religious rights and civil rights—and the rights of every single person in this nation. I’m proud to join #ResistMarch on June 11th.
John Heilman, Mayor
The annual celebration of Pride in West Hollywood is always a great opportunity for us to celebrate our advances and advocate for equality for the LGBT community. This year we need to advocate more than ever before. West Hollywood believes in equality and human rights for all. As a community, we understand that human rights are indivisible. By participating in this year's march on June 11th, we can demonstrate our commitment to equal rights for the LGBT community, for women and girls, for immigrants, for religious minorities and for people of all races. We can let the world know that we will not be divided.
John Duran, Mayor Pro Tempore
Those who question the reasons for a protest march have forgotten who we are. We have been resisting and protesting since the first time we fought back against the bully on the playground. Our movement was born out of protest. We have taken to the streets repeatedly over the decades to stand together and defend one another. The celebration IS the banding together and lifting our voices to show our strength and courage. Rise up and fight! Or perish in procrastination and irrelevance. Join me at #ResistMarch on June 11th
John D'Amico, Councilmember
The shoulders we stand on are broad and strong. And have carried us here. Join us in West Hollywood in our commitment to continue the progress.
The #ResistMarch is showing up for yourself and your rights.
The #ResistMarch is peace and protest and pleasure and passion and people.
The #ResistMarch is authentic.
The #ResistMarch is who we are.
Lindsey Horvath, Councilmember
The fabric of humanity is woven through our shared struggle towards equality. That struggle requires determination and resilience as well as support and care for one another. No one is equal unless everyone is equal. I am proud to march with my community on June 11 to celebrate the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, and to resist those who threaten our freedom, equality, and happiness. Join us as we take to the streets to take back our nation!
Photo credit: Rebecca Dru - DRUified
Lauren Meister, Councilmember
West Hollywood was founded on celebrating people for who they are. We didn’t get here by sitting still, or standing idly by. Countless people in our community have persevered against odds and have fought long and hard to be given respect and to be granted equal treatment under the law. In West Hollywood, we rejoice in our diversity and we set an example that all people, everywhere, should be treated with dignity and thoughtfulness. Personally, I’m excited to see Christopher Street West embrace a march of resistance for this year’s LA Pride. I see the #ResistMarch as an opportunity for LA Pride to get back to its roots. Our communities are under siege and our rights — LGBTQ rights, immigrants’ rights, women’s rights, civil rights … our human rights — are under attack. We must respond by calling truth to power. By marching together, the LGBTQ community and its allies will show the world that we are united against fear and intolerance and that we have the power to affect positive change. On June 11, we will march and we will proudly proclaim that we will never go backwards. We will resist, we will progress, and we will prevail.

Abbe Land, Former West Hollywood Mayor and Councilmember
I am thrilled to be part of #ResistMarch as I believe we must ALL march together to let the world know we stand united and committed to equality for all. We have come far in the fight for full equality, but there is still much to do. This march will celebrate what has been accomplished, remind us what must be done and solidify our resolve to not be pushed back. United, we will move forward in resistance to intolerance, bigotry, ignorance and hate. United, we will stand for justice and full equality for all.
Latina Transgender Speaker & Activist
It is important that we #resist to the powers that continue to oppress our communities. It is imperative that we acknowledge our power as individuals and as a community, a way to demonstrate our power is by coming out to the streets and support the different movements that are being organized, June 11th is one of those opportunities to show our power!

West Hollywood Community Activist
Now more than ever, it is a moral imperative that we unite with the common purpose of Equality for ALL and to #RESIST the forces that seek divide us and strip away our hard earned equal protections.
No one is less, and no one should be made to feel less. Our liberties are on the chopping block and we cannot stand by idly, simply waving banners. We must join together, strong and loud in peaceful opposition to the clock being turned back on our basic human rights.
I see the #RESIST March as an opportunity to get out of the stands and be heard as courageous participants in a movement, not just for LGBTQ+, but Equality for All of Us.
I’ve joyously participated in every Pride Parade since “coming out” and moving to West Hollywood over a decade ago and this year I believe there is no better way to celebrate Pride than with a march for human rights. I am prouder than ever to join the #RESIST March on June 11th. Let our voices resound as we rejoice in our accomplishments and move forward with hope for our future.
West Hollywood Community Activist & CEO Block Party
This years #Resist March is bigger, louder and prouder than ever before. Together your voices and mine will send a message that we are in this fight for equality and diversity as one community. Our struggles for acceptance have been earned one voice at a time. But with your support all of our voices will speak as one. We cannot take our liberty for granted and the headwinds to roll back our progress is omni- present in todays political environment. If you remember the joy the day the Supreme Court affirmed our rights to marry or if you are old enough to recall the onset of HIV/AIDS and our friends who lost their lives. If you remember Matthew Shepard tied to a fence and beaten to death, - and the many who paved the way for our freedom, your freedom, diversity , trans -rights, equal rights under the law, then it is time to stand up and resist the forces that want to take our freedom's away. This years LA Pride and #Resist March celebrates our individuality and community together with one voice. And anyone and everyone is welcome to join.

Social Activist
When we gather together in solidarity we have the power to shift hearts and minds. We must practice and display our collaborative spirit and show the world the intersectionality of our issues and challenges. We stand unified and proud to march on June 11th 2017 to give notice, we are together in our struggles and until all are free none are free. I yearn for a world where we can all be who we want in peace and love in the Beloved Community.

Online Content Creators, Writers & Activists
After seeing horrible headline after horrible headline, it's easy to feel a whole host of negative emotions: fear, anger, frustration, depression, hopelessness. But that's exactly how a bully wants their victim to feel--isolated, afraid, and defeated. That's why it's so important that we all stand up and resist, not just in the name of justice and democracy but also for the sake of our own sanity and well being. So we hope to see you at #ResistMarch on June 11th because we'll definitely be there!