Community Partners
(check back daily for additions)
BIENESTAR has been the forefront for Latino LGBTQ advocacy since 1989. Creating a home and a safe haven for many. Our mission has been to provide education and services for a better BIENESTAR for LGBTQ Latino individuals and other underserved communities. We will come together on June 11, 2017 to resist against the violation of all Human Rights. We are strong and love will persist.
Daniel Zingale, Sr. VP of California Endowment and former Political Director HRC
The health and safety of millions of Californians are threatened by what is happening in Washington DC right now. Our most basic rights now depend on our standing up for each other and for those rights. That is what is happening on June 11th at the 2017 human rights march. In a massive show of strength and solidarity across communities, the march will be a beacon to the entire nation of humanity, courage and hope for the future.
Stay loud California!
Rick Zbur, Executive Driector
The first Pride marches weren't celebrations -- they were political statements by people who refused to be victimized and continue hiding in the shadows. This year, as we face a presidential administration that represents an unprecedented threat to our hard-won civil rights, we will be joining #ResistMarch on June 11th as a sign of strength, resistance and determination. Whatever comes our way, there's no going back. We must resist.
Lorri L. Jean, CEO
The Los Angeles Pride parade has a long history of political messaging. But this year certainly warrants converting the entire parade into a protest march. We must stand strong against the regressive policies of the new Congress and Administration that not only endanger our community's health, but seek to roll back the clock on LGBT freedom, justice and equality. But this doesn't mean we shouldn't still march in pride and celebration of who we are as a people. Celebrating in defiance of those who would silence us is a powerful form of protest. I and the Los Angeles LGBT Center will be there in force.
Craig E. Thompson, CEO
AIDS Project Los Angeles began in 1983 with volunteers taking turns sitting in a closet answering questions about AIDS on a single phone. Today, APLA Health continues the mission of ending the epidemic and builds on it, ensuring all LGBTQ people receive the care and support they need to live healthier, longer lives. We remain committed to ending stigma and discrimination against those who are LGBTQ or living with HIV and to protecting our communities’ access to affordable, quality health care. We are proud to stand strong alongside our friends, families, and fellow activists on June 11th and raise our voices in the affirmation of and continuing fight for civil and human rights.
Chad Griffin, President
The Human Rights Campaign and our nearly 2 million members and supporters are proud to join the #ResistMarch on June 11th at Hollywood and Highland to raise our voices in solidarity in defense of the equal dignity of all people. The LGBTQ community's diversity is our greatest strength. We are women, Muslim, Jewish, Black, white, Latinx, Asian, and Native American. We are immigrants and we are people living with disabilities. And when someone attacks one of us, they are going to hear from all of us.
Emiliana Guereca and Deena Katz, Co-Executive Directors
The Women’s March LA Foundation brought together 750,000 Angelenos to the streets of downtown Los Angeles to stand in solidarity for human rights and equality in a historic fashion on January 21,2017. We are proud to stand with #ResistMarch, as when the rights of any American are infringed upon, we are all affected. We are stronger together and in unison and offer our full support for this peaceful gathering of all members of our community on June 11th and beyond.
Melissa Goodman, Audrey Irmas Director
The ACLU of Southern California is proud to join the #ResistMarch on Sunday, June 11th to stand up loudly and show our community that the ACLU has your back: in the courts, in legislatures, and in the streets. Pride parades are historically rooted in both protest and celebration so transforming the parade into a resistance march this year is quite appropriate given events in Washington and threats to our lives, health, and dignity our community faces. The ACLU of Southern California fought to make sure the very first pride parade in Los Angeles happened in 1970 and we'll be there in force in 2017.
Rachel B. Tiven, CEO
Founded in 1973, just three years after the first Christopher Street West parade, Lambda Legal has served as the foremost legal voice for the LGBTQ community and those living with HIV. Having fought for countless rights over the last 44 years Lambda Legal has no intention of sitting back and letting those rights be taken away by a callous administration with no respect for the history of persecution and continuing need for equal respect and dignity our community deserves. Lambda Legal is proud to stand with #ResistMarch as we take to the streets on June 11th. We must, and will, resist any and all attempts to take away the rights of the LGBTQ community and those living with HIV. Lambda Legal will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with our sister organizations, community members and allies in the resistance to bigotry. Should we fail to stop backwards policies though protest and reason, make no mistake, Lambda Legal will sue. We are your lawyers and we are not going back!
Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO
GLAAD is proud to support the #ResistMarch on June 11th. In a time when LGBTQ people are being erased, it is now more important than ever that we stand in solidarity. Together, we must resist the powers that seek to divide us and fight to protect the rights of all marginalized communities. Together we resist. Together we persist. Together we prevail.
Sue Dunlap, President & CEO
For more than 50 years, Planned Parenthood Los Angeles has provided high-quality, confidential, and affordable preventive and reproductive health care to women, men, and teens throughout Los Angeles County. Now more than ever we remain committed to ensuring all people have access to a full range of reproductive health care. On June 11th, we will join the #ResistMarch in support of fundamental civil and human rights for all people, everywhere.
Jonathan Weedman, Executive Director & Dr. Joe Nadeau, Artistic Director and Conductor
The Gay Men's Chorus of Los Angeles is proud to support the #ResistMarch, and we stand united with our Community against bigotry, discrimination, injustice, inequality and hate, now and always. As one of the oldest LGBT arts organizations in the Nation, GMCLA is proud to this year be celebrating our 38th Season. We perform for thousands annually with our concert performances at the Alex Theatre and Walt Disney Concert Hall. But equally important, are over 50,000 school children we have reached over the last ten years with our Alive Music Project, It Gets Better Tour and now, our Arts for Incarcerated Youth Program in Los Angeles County juvenile detention centers. GMCLA has lead the way with groundbreaking programs for our children, and have been a leader in setting the example for hundreds of organizations across the Nation for what is possible. For more information please go to www.GMCLA.org – and please join us soon!
The National Organization for Women is the largest organization of feminist grassroots activists in the United States. NOW has hundreds of chapters and hundreds of thousands of members and activists in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Since our founding in 1966, NOW’s purpose is to take action through intersectional grassroots activism to promote feminist ideals, lead societal change, eliminate discrimination, and achieve and protect the equal rights of all women and girls in all aspects of social, political, and economic life.
For nearly 20 years, The Trevor Project has been providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention programs and services for LGBTQ youth and adult allies. In the days after the 2016 election, we saw the highest number of crisis contacts in a 24-hour period in the history of our organization. Our LGBTQ youth were frightened of what they might expect from this administration, and they weren’t wrong to feel this way. The Trevor Project will continue to #Resist anti-LGBTQ legislation and stand up for the positive mental health of our LGBTQ young people via our advocacy, research, and education programs. Our highly-trained and accredited counselors are available for youth in crisis 24/7/365 via ourTrevor Lifeline (866.488.7386) as well as via our onlineTrevor Chat and Trevor Text services at www.TheTrevorProject.org. We are stronger together and Trevor is proud to stand alongside all LA Pride #ResistMarch participants in fighting for our civil and human rights.
Courage Campaign and our 1.3 million members are proud to join the #ResistMarch on June 11 as part of the #CourageousResistance to the Trump Administration and its hateful agenda. We are thrilled that the event is returning to its roots as a call to resistance, and embracing the present as we vow to defend the rights and dignity of all people facing persecution. Together we shall prevail.
Aaron Saenz, President
We are the LGBTQ Pride Festival for the San Gabriel Valley. We want to participate in the Resist March because we are working to instill a sense of pride and respect among members of the LGBTQ community and we believe resisting oppression is the best way to do that.
Brian Wenke, Executive Director
The It Gets Better Project's mission is to communicate to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth around the world that it gets better, and to create and inspire the changes needed to make it better for them. We are proud to be a part of the #ResistMarch on June 11, an opportunity for our LGBTQ young people to organize, make their voices heard and march for equality, many of them for the first time.
Dena Williams - Vice Chair
Trans Chorus of Los Angeles strives to create an environment of equality and empowerment through music. That's why we are pleased to add our voices to the chorus of organizations who have joined in this peaceful, apolitical protest #ResistMarch to raise awareness of the many groups whose rights are currently under assault. We march for equality and justice for ALL, and we look forward to a day when no American is denied their basic humanity, their dignity, and their rights.
Michael J. Ferrera, Executive Director
Foundation for The AIDS Monument (FAM) is proud to be a Community Partner in support of the Resist March. Today’s circumstances remind us that the LGBTQ community’s fight for full equality is far from over. As we came together over these past three decades to take care of our own and to demand research, funding and treatment for those affected by HIV/AIDS, we will come together this June with our friends and allies to insure our future. The AIDS Monument will powerfully symbolize that we will not be forgotten or ignored and that like our forefathers, we will continue to stand up for what’s right.

Malcolm Orrall Acting Co-Chair/Strategy
Indivisibles of Sherman Oaks is committed to protecting and promoting the constitutional rights of all Americans by supporting a progressive agenda through grassroots activism and keeping our Members of Congress focused on resisting the Trump agenda.
Robert Gamboa, Board Member
Revolution Los Angeles is proud to support the #ResistMarch! We are simply a community marching band with color guard. Since our founding in 2007, we have worked to build a strong family of LGBTQ+Allies to share in musical entertainment benefiting all our communities. Our mission is to support the performing arts and provide a positive climate of understanding in which members can maximize their potential and instill respect and appreciation for the diversity found in our multi-ethnic society of Southern California. We do so by striving for excellence, developing teamwork, and learning musicianship through our performing arts. Because of this, we feel our mission is in alignment with the mission of the #ResistMarch in that we need to building stronger communities, promoting love and strength, and protecting all of our LGBTQ+Allies family. We agree, “When any American’s rights are under threat, all our rights are threatened."
The mission of the Brady organization and its Million Mom March is to create a safer America by cutting gun deaths in half by 2025. We seek to expand life-saving Brady background checks to all gun sales; "Stop 'Bad Apple' Gun Dealers" – the 5 percent of gun dealers that supply 90 percent of all crime guns; and change social norms around the real dangers of guns in the home, to prevent the homicides, suicides, and unintentional shootings that happen every day as a result.
Through grassroots activism, the SFV Chapter works in the community to bring our message to schools, faith groups, health care providers, and business and community groups, all with goal of saving lives. We believe that all Americans have the right to live in peace and that we can #DisarmHate.
The Wall Las Memorias Project is a community health and wellness organization dedicated to serving Latino, LGBTQ and other underserved populations through advocacy, education and building the next generation of leadership.
The Wall Las Memorias Project mobilized the Latino community in 1993 to construct the first AIDS Monument in the nation. It brought together the LGBTQ, faith based community, labor unions, business and entertainment community to address HIV and LGBTQ rights and social justice.
We join our brothers and sisters of Los Angeles to resist nationalism that promotes hate against women, immigrants, Muslims, workers, and LGBTQ. In the spirit of our great democracy we promote resistance, a strong voice for change, advocacy, engagement and accountability.
Sarah Bradshaw, West Coast Political Director
The Feminist Majority is embarking on our 30th anniversary of fighting for equality. Over the years the Feminist Majority has developed bold, new strategies and programs to advance women's equality, non-violence, economic development, and, most importantly, empowerment of women and girls in all sectors of society here and around the world. To learn more visit us here: http://feminist.org. FM is dedicated to achieving civil rights for ALL. That is why we are proud to support the #RESISTMARCH. We are stronger together, so on June 11th we will turn-out to raise our voices and say WE WON'T GO BACK!
Ronnie Veliz, Executive Director
As a first-generation of San Fernando Valley students who are openly LGBTQ+ in our Latinx immigrant families, it is our duty to unapologetically challenge Number 45. This is an administration that is impacting the most vulnerable within our communities of color, and we will not allow for Number 45 to continue expanding the health disparities that directly impact us. We will show up in solidarity with all intersectional identities in our movement. We will take action mindful of restorative justice and all of our community members currently in detention, deportation proceedings, and those who have been brutalized and murdered for being their authentic selves. Somos Familia Valle is the San Fernando Valley community organization that supports, trains, empowers, and mobilizes LGBTQ+ people and supporters for racial, gender, environmental, and economic justice.
Angela Brinskele, Board Member
The June L. Mazer Lesbian Archives lives to protect, preserve and make accessible the history of lesbians and feminists. Many of these women fought for equality for all throughout history. The time is here for all of us to band together to defy such negativity and hatred and to march forward and bring social justice to the forefront of our movement.
Lillian Raffel, President
Established in 1985, the West Hollywood Beverly Hills Democratic Club has long fought for the values of our community -- equality, fairness, and accountability. We join #ResistMarch on Sunday, Junto proclaim with one voice that we will not be silenced. That the gains that we have fought so hard to achieve will not be rolled back quietly. That we will continue to speak for the most vulnerable. That we will persist.
For over 40 years, the Stonewall Democratic Club has not only stood for equality for people of LGBTQIA experience, but for equality for all Americans. The magnitude of the current assault by the Trump Administration and the GOP on civil rights, education, the environment, non-Christian religions, immigrants, science, the main stream media and more is unprecedented in this country. We cannot allow them to destroy the very institutions providing the protections progressives have fought for over the last century. Therefore the response to this must be one of complete defiance.
At no time is defiance more visible than when citizens take to the streets in protest and the Stonewall Democratic Club is more than eager to join those who will be marching on June 11th. We fully, and without reservation, endorse the #ResistMarch and urge all like minded people and organizations to do the same.
Hannah Cho
The Los Angeles County Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Democrats (AAPI Democrats) is a coalition of AAPI grassroots activist working to enhance the visibility and representation of AAPIs in the democratic process through outreach, education, and advocacy. In Los Angeles, we build strength from our diversity and the AAPI Democrats is proud to stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ community for the #ResistMarch.
Kim Simes, Director of Regional Programming
Family Equality Council is thrilled to be a part of these marches to help give our families an opportunity to stand up and be counted. We will also be creating ways for families to participate who cannot be on-site at a march, but want to show their family pride and support. This is a chance for our community to come together and recognize our families.
Haylee Vance, Founder & Executive Director
Together We Will Los Angeles is a volunteer-based, grassroots organization dedicated to achieving equality for all. We fight hate and bigotry by promoting constructive dialogue, advocating for marginalized groups, collaborating with like-minded partners, and offering meaningful education, events, and actions to empower those who seek to effect change. We are proud to partner with other amazing activist organizations and Angelenos at the #ResistMarch. Together #WeWillResist!
Shane Murphy Goldsmith, President/CEO
For 40 years, Liberty Hill Foundation has been the beating heart of progressive Los Angeles, bringing Angelenos together across all kinds of boundaries to work together for social justice. We support L.A. Pride’s #Resist March on June 11 to strengthen the ties that bind our region’s diverse communities into one voice for human rights. Liberty Hill and the grassroots organizing groups we support are working hard to protect the tangible gains we’ve made in city, county and state policy and to advance a common agenda to further justice for all.
Gilbert Bazan
The AIDS Coalition To UnLeash Power is celebrating it’s 30th Anniversary. The Los Angeles Chapter is hereby endorsing the actions of The Resist March. ACT UP LA is a political action group who’s focus is Healthcare for people living with HIV/AIDS. In recent years ACT UP has branched out to include LGBT Rights and other Social Justice causes. Join our group to Act UP - Fight Back - Fight Trump.
Our mission is to cultivate and promote a culture which regards all consensual expressions of sexuality as healthy, encourages sexual pleasure and experimentation, places an emphasis on informed consent and advocates sex education and risk-aware sex. Sex-positivity makes no moral distinctions among types of sexual expression, orientation, or identification, regarding these choices as matters of personal preference. We are an inclusive and diverse community comprised of different relationship styles, kinks, genders, and orientations. We hope to empower every individual to take agency in their sexual pursuits while practicing care and compassion for self and others. We will join #ResistMarch on Sunday, June 11th from Los Angeles to West Hollywood to stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ community and advocate for a culture that is inclusive to all forms of consensual sexual expression as healthy and natural.
Davin Malasarn, President
The Gay Freedom Band of Los Angeles was established in 1978 to increase the visibility of LGBT people in Southern California. Today we continue to play that role, though our scope has broadened to represent all of diverse groups in the area, promoting acceptance through the performance and appreciation of music. We are proud to join ResistMarch and stand beside the other participants to show the strength and the shared values of our broad community.
Mike Rizzo, Addiction Recovery Services @ Los Angeles LGBT Center
TAKE A SOBER STAND is a coalition of LGBTQ people in recovery and allies gathering to demonstrate that we can lead fulfilling, joyful lives, free from addiction. We take a stand to inform, inspire and empower those who need help and demonstrate the essential role people in recovery play in our communities. With the new administration the LGBT Recovery Community will be confronted by changing policies, like the potential loss of health care, transgender rights and LGBT discrimination based on religious beliefs. As part of the LGBT recovery community we want our voices.
Dr. Mimi Hoang, Founder & Robert Ozn, Chair
Since its foundation, The Los Angeles Bi Task Force has worked to promote education, advocacy, and cultural enrichment for the bisexual/fluid/pansexual (Bi+) communities in the Greater Los Angeles area. As the largest component of the LGBTQ spectrum, the Bi+ community is comprised of all races, ethnicities, genders, and faiths, as well as immigrants and the native born. It’s essential that we march to protect and advocate for the rights of all our LGBTQ siblings in these dangerous times. We march to demand safety and total equality for LGBTQ people and their fellow marginalized people in L.A. and across our country. We march for you - to lift you up, to inspire dignity, to let you know that your identity is perfect the way it is, to remind you that can choose not to internalize the prejudices, rejection, hatred and negativity of others. And most of all, we march for love in all of its forms.

Chinese Rainbow Association (CRA), a gay Chinese social, support, educational, and advocacy organization, is based in greater Los Angeles. CRA promotes friendship and unity, provides assistance, fosters social and political awareness, and enhances positive self-image among the gay Chinese Americans. CRA also works to educate the mainstream API communities on LGBT issues and gay rights issues. CRA supports the #ResistMarch and looks forward to joining the community on June 11th.
Ian Lawrence
Ambi is proud to march with you all on June 11th and loudly remind the world that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights. We have come too far to let our hard-earned progress towards equality be threatened by fear, hatred or infighting. Together, we are strong. Together, a better and more just world is within reach.
Ambi is proud to represent the B in LGBT at #ResistMarch. ambi LA has been doing the grassroots work of building bi community here in Los Angeles since 2006. By creating a vibrant and visible bi community, we are building the foundation for lasting social change, helping create a world where love is not limited by gender. We believe that simply living our lives as out and healthy queer people is in itself a revolutionary act.
Louise McCarthy, President and CEO
Los Angeles's nonprofit community clinics and health centers are both providers of care to and advocates for vulnerable and marginalized populations. At over 350 sites across Los Angeles County, these nonprofit organizations serve 1.5 million individuals of all walks of life. The Community Clinic Association of Los Angeles County and our members are dedicated to providing a voice to those people who might be left in the shadows or who are unable to speak for themselves. We are proud to walk with you on June 11th in support of Los Angeles's diverse communities.
Evangeline Ignacio
Sankofa is a social justice organization founded by Harry Belafonte that enlists the support of today's most celebrated artists and influential individuals in collaboration with grassroots partners to elevate the voices of the disenfranchised and promote justice, peace, and equality.
Jaye Fleurant and Scott Shenefelt, Founders
Art has always been a expression of vision. A people United shows that they are strong. We may all be different, but we all deserve to be Equal.
United Equality is an artistic social movement in which subjects bare their bodies with the exception of a single bandanna. The subjects appear bare as a symbol of equality; we are all born into this world pure and equal. The bandannas in the photos all show a hand written message; these messages are inequalities in our society. The subjects of our photos, united, refuse to accept these inequalities.
Art has always been an expression of vision. We envision a world where we are all united, where we are all equal.
Sheila Xiao
47 years ago, the first LA Pride March broke so many years of silence and powerlessness which hung over the LGBTQ community like a storm. The courage and power of people hitting the streets were like the first rays of light breaking through the clouds. Yet the storm has far from passed: today, more than ever, the gains made by the LGBTQ community and all people facing oppression are under attack, whether from the courts, from the White House or from bigoted vigilantes.
The ANSWER Coalition proudly endorses #ResistMarch because it boldly carries forward that struggle against oppression. We are proud to organize and march with #ResistMarch and encourage anyone who is interested in resisting the Trump administration and oppression in general to join us.
Jeffrey DeGuia, Communications Coordinator
Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Los Angeles proudly supports the #ResistMarch and stands with the LGBTQ community in our collective fight for justice. For 34 years, we have fought for justice on behalf of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders as well as other marginalized communities, including for those who are LGBTQ. On June 11th, we will join other voices for justice as we fight to protect the targeted, resist the erosion of our rights, and advance justice wherever and whenever we can.
API Equality-LA is an LGBTQ rights and social justice organization building grassroots community power and organizing for change in the Asian American and Pacific Islander (API) community. Our vision is an inclusive, equitable, and just society where all API LGBTQ people can thrive. We recognize that queer and trans APIs often face marginalization both within our ethnic communities and the mainstream LGBTQ movement.
API Equality-LA is proud to join other API and LGBTQ organizations to bring visibility and promote solidarity during the Los Angeles Pride Resist March. We are committed to an intergenerational approach to fighting for social justice, bringing together youth leaders and activists with decades of experience to organize together.
Jury Candelario, Division Director
Established in 1987 as the Asian Pacific AIDS Intervention Team, APAIT has grown to be one of the largest providers of HIV/AIDS programs and services for communities of color in Los Angeles and Orange counties. APAIT’s mission is to positively impact the quality of life for medically underserved communities living with or at risk for HIV/AIDS and other health disparities through culturally competent and linguistically appropriate programs in Southern California. We stand in solidarity with the organizers of the Resist March and members of the LGBTQ community who have been impacted by the policies of the current administration.
Robin S. Toma, Esq. Executive Director
We at the L.A. County Commission on Human Relations are proud to support LA Pride/Resist March parade this Sunday, June 11th! We call upon everyone who cares about human rights to join the Resist March and its outreach to those of us who have had to face a new level of hostility and hate because of our sexual orientation or religion, our gender or gender identity, our race/ethnicity or country of origin, and/or our immigration status (actual or perceived). We are all part of this wonderfully diverse community we call Los Angeles County, and we encourage our partners and supporters to march starting at Hollywood and Highland, to become part of our efforts to “transform prejudice into acceptance, inequity into justice, and hostility into peace!” Together we are stronger!
El Centro Comunitario LGBTQ de San Fernando Valley es un lugar seguro, estamos unidos para marchar con nuestra comunidad. Estamos orgullosos de defender a todas las personas, y estamos orgullosos de asegurar que América (Estados Unidos) defienda la libertad y la justicia para todos. Por favor visite nuestro sitio web para más información. http://sfvlgbtcenter.org/
Aaron Saenz, President
Our mission is to foster a safer more inclusive San Gabriel Valley for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We want to participate in the #ResistMarch because we believe that an attack on one segment of our community is an attack on everyone. We stand for an inclusive community where our differences are celebrated and not condemned.
Kevin Weiler, Director
Smart Health LA is a clinical department of Valley Community Healthcare in North Hollywood. Our healthcare professionals have provided mental, physical and sexual health support and guidance to the LGBT and surrounding communities with the goal of improving overall health outcomes. We currently provide HIV/PrEP, STD, Hepatitis testing, care, treatment and prevention, as well as referrals to a variety of support services. Valley Community Healthcare is a non-profit medical facility committed to improving the well-being of 25,000 lower-income, medically underserved patients in our communities, regardless of their ability to pay. VCH provides a wide array of clinical and patient-centered health programs through two Centers in North Hollywood and North Hills and a school-based clinic in the San Fernando Valley outside Los Angeles. 45 years ago Valley Community Healthcare was one of the first organizations to provide healthcare to the LGBTQ community. We resisted skewed public opinion about HIV/AIDS, and persisted in efforts to provide care. We wish to march to show solidarity with our community, and for equality in every aspect of our lives.
Satrang is a fully volunteer-run 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that aims to uplift the experiences and celebrate the diversity of the South Asian LGBTQ community in Southern California by promoting acceptance and inclusivity through targeted programming, community-building events, and increased visibility.
At a time when our communities are more threatened than ever, Satrang stands in solidarity with efforts to #resist oppressive institutions and demonstrate the unwavering strength of our collective voices, even in the face of extreme ignorance.
Susan Forrest, Co-Chair
The LA County HIV Drug & Alcohol Task Force is dedicated to resisting and addressing the micro- and macro-aggressions that plague LGBT communities. We recognize, call out, and try to overturn the forces at play which target all forms of “queerness”, but specifically, and intentionally, single out our African-American sisters and brothers – in particular young black men and black transwomen - usually with heightened violence. We stand with our LGBT immigrant sisters and brothers who came here – by whatever means necessary – as an act of survival. We envision and are working toward a world in which all of us can choose to move beyond ‘resilience’ – where we won’t need to hone that skill to stay alive - and we can choose how we want to thrive. As Audre Lorde writes in A Litany for Survival: “For those of us who live at the shoreline | standing upon the constant edges of decision | crucial and alone | for those of us who cannot indulge | the passing dreams of choice | who love in doorways coming and going | in the hours between dawns | looking inward and outward | at once before and after | seeking a now that can breed | futures | like bread in our children's mouths | so their dreams will not reflect | the death of ours;” … We were never meant to survive. #resistmarch #ACTUPLA
Larry Gross, Executive Director
Since 1973, the Coalition for Economic Survival (CES) has been organizing low and moderate income communities throughout the Greater Los Angeles area to fight for economic, social and political justice. CES has been dedicated to building a grassroots multi-racial, multi-ethnic movement committed to securing civil and human rights. A movement that will confront homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, and racism wherever it exists. One of CES’ greatest achievements was leading the effort to create the City of West Hollywood, a city that has been a leader in securing rights, equality, a safe environment and needed services for the LGBTQ+ community. A city that has become the home of LA Pride. The new attacks we face coming from Washington that threaten to wipe out all that has been won and achieved demands the we take action and resist. Thus, CES is honored to stand with other organizations and individuals in supporting and participating in this very important #RESISTMARCH!
Mason Funk, Founder and Executive Director
OUTWORDS: The National Interview Archive of the LGBTQ Experience is honored to join arms with countless Angelenos and guests on June 11, to proclaim our solidarity with anyone whose human rights are attacked, threatened, or disparaged. Once upon a time, LGBTQ+ people were seen as undermining American goodness. Now, in a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood movie, we have become the standard-bearers for our most traditional values: respect, equality, family, and community. For this, we owe tremendous gratitude to our LGBTQ elders, who made us the strong community we are today. As OUTWORDS pursues its mission of capturing our elders’ stories, we look forward to June 11, when a new chapter in our shared history will be written.
Porter Gilberg, Executive Director
The LGBTQ Center of Long Beach is committed to increasing equity and supporting an intersectional movement to end oppression both within and outside the LGBTQ community. For more than 37 years we have served at the frontlines supporting our community in the face of indifference, hostility, and violence. We refuse to normalize the current national discourse that is attempting to send us back to the darkest times for those who continue to face marginalization. We will stand together with all movements working to end oppression so that we continue to move forward and never back. For these reasons and so many more we are proud to participate in the June 11 #ResistMarch.
Abbe Land & Michael Ferrera, Co-Chairs
ROAR is an Indivisible Group formed to resist the policies of the Trump Administration that threaten our nation’s institutions, our civil rights, our environment and our standing in the world. We stand strongly with the goals of Resist March and will proudly march with our community on June 11th. Join us for our monthly meetings and join us in the fight! In solidarity!
Maria Genie
St. John’s Well Child and Family Center was born in 1964, amid the divisions and despair that gave rise to the Watts Riots. For 53 years, St. John’s has fought for vulnerable populations, working to provide quality healthcare for the South Los Angeles community, regardless of race, religion, income, immigration status, sexual orientation, or gender. Today, our Transgender Health Program offers comprehensive healthcare and supportive services to help our clients survive and thrive—ensuring that every transgender person who walks through our doors is free to be themselves. At St. John’s, we believe that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. The restrictive views of the current political administration have only strengthened our commitment to protecting and defending the lives of our transgender community. On June 11th, we will proudly march alongside our friends, families, and fellow activists to defend and affirm civil and human rights for all LGBTQ Angelenos!
Rabbi Denise L Eger, D.D.
West Hollywood's Reform Synagogue has stood as a beacon for civil rights and human rights for 25 years. We have worked to create a world of wholeness and love
for LGBTQ Jews and their families. We believe our tradition teaches us to pursue justice. Our sacred community stands for timeless Jewish values of welcoming the stranger in our midst, worker's rights, immigration reform, women's equality, education for all, and tikkun olam, a dedication to healing the world.
Jesse Brune-Horan, Founder
Inspire Spiritual Community blossomed out of LA’s LGBTQ community. Our members, staff, volunteers and artists all stand proudly as LGBTQs, friends, family members and allies. We will march to show solidarity and strength. We march towards a vision of equality and justice. We will march in love, as love and through love. We believe that love is the great healer and so we join this protest to use our words, hands and feet as instruments of peace, transformation, and possibility. We will march as a reminder that we remain unwilling to accept anything less than the respect that we afford all others. We stand on the shoulders of the trailblazers that went before us and celebrate their legacy by demanding equality. We will march so that our children won’t have to march. We will march.
Keith Banwart, President
SoCalLutherans.com (formerly known as Lutherans Concerned/Los Angeles) was founded in 1974 to advocate for the full inclusion of LGBT persons in church and society within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America - the largest LGBT inclusive religious body in America. As a nonpartisan organization working for the civil rights of all, SoCalLutherans.com is excited to partner with so many other powerful voices in the Los Angeles area (and around the nation) to make our voices heard this Pride Season as part of the #ResistMarch. As Lutherans, we have a particular commitment to the just care of immigrants and refugees - work that our forebearers have been active in for many generations - as well as to social justice for all, remembering Jesus' words that, "Whatever you have done for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you have done it unto me." SoCalLutherans.com - Putting The PROTEST Back in Protestant in 2017 as we celebrate 500 years since the Protestant Reformation. "Here we stand!"
Ani Zonneveld, Founder and President
Muslims for Progressive Values is a faith-based, grassroots, international human rights organization that embodies and advocates for the traditional Qur’anic values of social justice and equality for all. For 10 years we have unapologetically upheld these values. In that spirit we are proud to be a community partner in solidarity with people of all faiths, non-faiths, straight, LGBTQIA+, dis/ability, and all of God's creations, at this #ResistMarch.
Jim Loduha, Senior Director of Development and Giving
All Saints Church in Pasadena has been in forefront of the struggle for LGBT Equality for decades and is proud to be a community sponsor of the #ResistMarch. From the creation of the AIDS Service Center in 1987 to celebrating our first same-sex blessing in 1992 to leadership in the No on Prop 8 campaign in 2008 and the Sacred Resistance Movement today, All Saints has long-stood for sacred values of love, justice and compassion and for American values of liberty and justice for all.
Fr. Lorenzo
For Episcopalians, respecting the dignity of every human being is a foundational value. When we march to resist oppression or marginalization of any member of the human family we are putting our faith into action – and on June 11th we march to resist the evil that would divide us and to claim the solidarity that unites us.
Hillary Selvin, Executive Director
National Council of Jewish Women|Los Angeles (NCJW|LA) believes that a democratic society and its people must value diversity and promote mutual understanding and respect for all. NCJW has been a tireless advocate for the enactment and enforcement of laws and regulations that protect LGBTQ+ rights. NCJW has advocated for public policies that promote equal rights, end discrimination, and encourage opportunities for people of all backgrounds. Today that effort continues as NCJW seeks to end all discrimination against individuals on the basis of race, gender, national origin, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity. NCJW works to ensure that the plurality of voices and opinions that make our democracy strong are heard in every facet of society.
Founded in 1972 as the world’s first lesbian and gay synagogue, today Beth Chayim Chadashim (BCC) - House of New Life - continues to be a proudly progressive, inclusive and welcoming Jewish congregation. Talking the talk and walking the walk since the early years of Pride Parades and human rights marches, clergy and members of BCC can usually be found where people are working for justice, equal rights, and a better world. That is why BCC's clergy -- Rabbis Lisa Edwards and Heather Miller, and Cantor Juval Porat --- along with members of our community are looking forward to continuing in our 45 year-old tradition as seekers and advocates for human rights by being part of the #ResistMarch onSunday, June 11th. May our message of inclusivity and progress continue even in these challenging times.
Abby Leibman, President & CEO
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger is a leading national advocacy organization working to end hunger among people of all faiths and backgrounds in the United States and Israel. For more than 30 years, MAZON has been committed to ensuring that vulnerable people have access to the resources they need to be able to put food on the table. Inspired by Jewish values and ideals, MAZON works for food justice for all, including hungry LGBT+ seniors who face unique challenges requiring conscious solutions. We are proud to join the #ResistMarch as a community partner so that together, we can transform how it is, into how it should be.
Arya Marvazy, Assistant Director
JQ International was established in 2004 to promote the healthy fusion of LGBTQ and Jewish identities for individuals, families, and communities alike. For over a decade, our work has been informed by Jewish values, particularly welcoming the stranger and not standing idly by when people are being harmed. We infuse these values into our unique community building, educational offerings, and our service end work for LGBTQ Jews as well as the larger LGBTQ and ally communities in Los Angeles and the greater Southern California region. We are proud to participate in a march that beautifully embodies communal values crossing all cultural, religious, and political divides. Our tradition makes protecting and safeguarding human rights and dignity a priority in all we do. We look forward to marching hand-in-hand with fellow LGBTQ and allies from all different backgrounds, communities, and walks of life, in a #ResistMarch built to do just this.
Amanda Susskind, Regional Director
For over 100 years, the Anti-Defamation League has fought anti-Semitism and bigotry of all kinds. Our civil rights agenda has always included advancing LGBT rights at the federal, state, and local levels – whether by advocating for anti-discrimination statutes, hate crime and bullying prevention laws, and marriage equality; or by providing our world renowned anti-bias training for schools, universities, corporations, and community organizations throughout the United States. We are marching on June 11 to ensure that we do not reverse course on hard fought civil rights battles for many targeted communities and that we continue our mission to secure justice and fair treatment to all.
Angelica Salas, Executive Director
For over 30 years, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) has championed the rights of immigrants and fought for social justice for all. We will continue that tradition by standing in solidarity and proudly marching arm in arm with our LGBTQ community. We believe that when we unite our collective resistance transforms into a wellspring of hope and inspiration for others. Together we are stronger, together we will win.
Mark Supper, CEO/President
The Los Angeles Youth Network (LAYN) has a long standing history of supporting all youth that walk through our door and accept those things that make them unique. LAYN understands that all of our LGBTQ youth are part of an intersected community of race, gender, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and personal beliefs. LAYN will continue to #resist and #persist in supporting all of our youth against hate and discrimination.
Robert Harrell, Executive Director & CEO
The I Love Me Foundation is an 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that was created to provide education, empowerment & advocacy to LGBTQ survivors of Sexual & Domestic Abuse. As an organization we strive to Break the Silence and give a voice on behalf of the LGBTQ Community. In this hour we face a unprecedented threat to our civil rights. That's why we are PROUD to stand with the #ResistMarch on June 11th to put a voice on our hurt and to fight for liberty and justice for ALL.
Margot Bennett, MBA Executive Director
Working To Prevent Gun Violence For Over 24 Years!
As we witness a Congress and administration that is rolling back sensible gun laws while also rescinding protections for LGBTQ people and fomenting a climate of intolerance and hate, Women Against Gun Violence remains committed to creating and supporting programs that protect ALL people from violence. We recognize that this climate of intolerance leads to an increased level of despair, as well as a measurable surge in threats against targeted communities. Our work is more important now than ever.
We are proud to participate in the #Resist March on June 11th and to help shine a light on injustice and those that #Resist it!
Black Women for Wellness is committed to the health, empowerment, and well-being of Black women and girls. Currently there is a growing tide of fascism, anti-black racism, misogyny, homophobia, and jingoism in this country which threatens to erode the human rights and dignity of all of our communities. Black women have fought hard to advance justice and freedom, civil and human rights. We have always stood, and continue to stand, in solidarity with all of those freedom fighters who struggle against oppression in all of its ugly forms. Now, it is more important than ever for us to unite and lock arms in our quest for liberation, which is why Black Women for Wellness will be joining #ResistMarch on June 11th.
Sandra Fluke, California State Director
California Voices For Progress members work on a daily basis in Sacramento and DC to advocate for legislation to advance the public interest, including ensuring equal rights for the LGBTQ community. The LGBTQ community's rights, health, and economic security are at risk under the current President and Congress. V4P is committed to standing with the community in resistance at this critical time.
Rusty Hicks, Executive Secretary-Treasurer
On behalf of the 800,000 working women and men we represent, we are proud to stand with our LGBTQ sisters and brothers at the #ResistMarch on Sunday, June 11. We believe that every person, regardless of sexual orientation, race, religion, gender, or citizenship status, deserves equal rights and a voice at the table. Our work is not done until there is guaranteed freedom and equality for all.
Diana Limon, Compliance
IBEW Local Union 11 is the dynamic and progressive voice of the Electrical Construction Industry in Los Angeles. We are a movement for social justice, human rights, safe jobsites, training, green jobs and opportunity for all. IBEW 11 represents over 12,000 members in Los Angeles County. We are Electricians, Communications and Systems Installers, Transportation Systems Journeyman, Civil Service Electricians, Apprentices, City Employees, and Rail Car Manufacturing Workers. Our members are involved in every aspect of service to the citizens of this great city. We build Los Angeles with pride and celebrate our diversity within our membership and community. Unions and the labor movement have a long history of standing with the LGBTQ community; we proudly join you and support the #Resistmarch to fight against inequality and oppression.
Unite Here Local 11 is thrilled to stand with LA Pride and join our efforts of both resistance and building workers' power with the #Resistmarch. Local 11 and our 22,000+ members in LA and Orange County exist on multiple intersecting lines within our society. Intersections of oppression, but also of culture, solidarity, and love. We have pride in our LGBT members and allies and are fully committed to defend our shared communities against the reactionary elements on the rise in our country. The first pride events before they were Pride were profound acts of resistance to injustice, in the spirit of sit-down strikes and boycotts that grew and protected the labor movement decades ago and still do today. We wholly embrace this renewed tradition of peaceful but profound social change
AFSCME District Council 36 is proud to support the #ResistMarch as a vindication of real American patriotism and principles of equality under the law. AFSCME will never quit fighting to protect the rights of workers and vulnerable residents because, despite the ignorant and hateful rhetoric coming out of the White House today, we know this truth to be self-evident: #LoveTrumpsHate!
With over 2,200 members, IATSE Local 871, Script Supervisors/Continuity, Coordinators, Accountants & Allied Production Specialists Guild, fulfills an important role in the creation of each film, television program, commercial, stage or sports event on which our members work. The professional experiences of every member of our diverse crafts tell the story of who we are and we stand with the #ResistMarch to help tell the story of the beauty and strength of diversity.
The West Hollywood Municipal Employees Union (WEHOME), AFSCME Local 3339, AFL-CIO, stands with the countless number of individuals and organizations taking part in the #ResistMarch on June 11! We are proud to work for the City of West Hollywood, whose core values match those of our country. As the #ResistMarch makes its way past City Hall in West Hollywood, we will be side by side with people fighting to uphold the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that our City is based upon!
Kristin Heidelbach-Teramoto, Cannabis Division Director
Since the early 1900s, the Teamsters have long stood for human rights and the equality of all people. We stand for the workers. We push for what is fair and just. This is our legacy. And as such, we embrace our brothers and sisters of the LGBTQ community. This is why we march.
The members of IATSE Local 884, The Studio Teachers/Welfare Workers, oversee the education and welfare of minors working in every aspect of entertainment. The Studio Teachers have long been champions of equal rights and social justice for all people and are proud to partner and support the #ResistMarch. We are marching to continue this proud legacy.
Jerilyn Stapleton, President
California NOW is an intersectional feminist organization of which LGBTQIA is one of its core issues. Since 1966 we have been fighting for Gender Equality, Reproductive Rights & Justice, Racial Justice, LGBTQIA Rights and Ending Violence Against Women and Girls. Everything we stand for is being threaten by the current federal administration
With pride, we are proud to support, endorse, participate in the #Resist March June 11th. We are happy to see the annual Pride Parade expand its annual event to include all communities in danger of adverse impact from the 45th. We stand will all to end discrimination and bring peace to our communities.
Zoe Nicholson, President & Founder
“Congratulations! We are wholly proud that you are bringing our annual celebration back to its original home of politics, social justice, and unconditional unity. It is the perfect response to the archaic anti-change people who are going to be defeated. They are merely backlash. We are GOING FORWARD!”
Jessica Weissbuch, Executive Director
Brave Trails is proud to join the Resist March to stand up for equal rights and civil liberties for all communities. As an organization that supports leadership development for LGBTQ+ youth, we see firsthand how youth are being affected by the current climate everyday. We look forward to marching on June 11 and to continuing our work in empowering the next generation of LGBTQ+ leaders.
John Erickson, President
The Women's movement was born as a result of women demanding full equality, under the law. From Seneca Falls to the Women's March, now, more than ever, we all need to come together and support the progress we've made and the work that we still have left to do to protect the basic human and civil rights of all people. Hollywood NOW is proud to join with the #ResistMarch to make sure that the rights of all Americans are protected, honored and preserved for generations to come. We honor the diverse community of people that make up our community and we will march, stand our ground, and resist any force that threatens our civil rights.
Amy Everitt, State Director
Our essential rights to determine our futures and have economic security for our families are under threat, whether its attacks on reproductive freedom, attempts to legalize discrimination against the LGBT community or threats to deport immigrants and tear families apart. On June 11 and every day, we must resist. We must use our collective power to let this administration know that we will not stop fighting for each other. NARAL Pro-Choice California is proud to raise our voices with everyone at #ResistMarch
Betsy Butler, Executive Director
For nearly thirty years, the California Women’s Law Center has fought for equality and justice for women and girls. In these uncertain times, we are committed to fighting against any effort or attempt to force women and girls backward or diminish our possibilities. CWLC will continue to advocate for the most vulnerable among us, including immigrants, low-income families, veterans, older Californians and the LGBTQ community. On June 11th and always, we proudly stand next to our allies and fellow champions of justice to demand equal rights for all.
Aisha C. Moodie-Mills, President & CEO
Our movement was born through protests, marches and the courage of individuals to stand up for the dignity of LGBTQ people. That is why Victory Institute is proud to support #ResistMarch and its demand for equality for all people, including LGBTQ Muslims, immigrants, people of color and women. At #ResistMarch, we will urge our people not just to march… but RUN. To run for office so we can increase our representation at all levels of government and advance equality. We know that representation is power.
Brandy Black, Founder and Editor in Chief
Participating in Marches like this is not only important for our family but for the many people around the world that need love, support and protection. Every little thing that we can do to work toward the greater cause of equality among all is at the top of our priority list. We plan on being there with our 3 children by our sides. We are so grateful to those that work tirelessly to make these marches and events happen. It truly takes a village.
Richard Ayoub, Executive Director
Human rights and dignity have been the corner stone of Project Angel Food since we served our first meal in 1989. We are on the front lines in the community every day and we know people are worried about their future. Project Angel Food joins #ResistMarch on June 11th in solidarity with those that might have their hard won rights rolled back and we have faith that Americans believe that human rights still matter for everybody.
Tegan and Sara, Musicians & Philanthropists
In a time when our civil liberties are under siege and the gains we’ve made are being threatened, we support Pride taking a stand in the form of the Resist March. We love a good party as much as the next person, but now is not the time to celebrate. There is too much at stake.
Please visit resistmarch.org and show up at Hollywood and Highland on June 11th!
Michaela Ivri Mendelsohn, Founder
We are proud to be a part of #ResistMarch on June 11th, a cause that strives for true inclusion for all. Our unified voices will be heard with no separation of race, creed, gender, sex, color or ability. We will stand and fight for everyone's equality. In the words of the great Martin Luther King: "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." We will march, our voices will be heard, we will stand our ground and #Resist.
Solidarity Sundays is a nationwide network of over 100 feminist activist groups focused on taking action to resist the current (un) American administration as well as systemic inequities that existed long before Nov. 8, 2016. We support the LA Pride #ResistMarch on June 11th and will be marching in solidarity and protest. One of the missions of our group is to dismantle inequities that threaten human rights through amplifying the action items of progressive organizations.
Point Foundation would love to join as a partner for #ResistMarch. Marching for human rights matters to Point because we are dedicated to empowering LGBTQ+ students to achieve their full academic and leadership potential – despite the obstacles often put before them – to make a significant impact on society.
Zoe Nicholson, President & Founder
“Congratulations! We are wholly proud that you are bringing our annual celebration back to its original home of politics, social justice, and unconditional unity. It is the perfect response to the archaic anti-change people who are going to be defeated. They are merely backlash. We are GOING FORWARD!”
Joe Del Hierro, Director
Strive for College is an online counseling platform for underserved communities giving youth valuable resources to navigate the college process from school selection to applications to financial aid. Strive levels the playing field in providing greater access to higher education. We encourage the LGBTQ community to join strive as prospective students and mentors. The administration's education secretary and policy are dangerous for ALL citizens.
Northeast Valley Health Corporation is a nonprofit community health center that has been providing quality health care to the medically underserved population for more than 40 years. Today, more than any time in recent history, we are fighting to protect the future of our health centers and our patients’ healthcare coverage. We are part of the #ResistMarch because we believe that access to quality health care is a basic human right. We support the #ResistMarch because our staff and patients mirror the diversity represented by this important cause. We have specialty programs for patients, including those with HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C and those who are homeless. We are inclusive. We resist inequality.
Armen Abelyan, President
GALAS is proud to join the #ResistMarch on Sunday, June 11th in solidarity with our larger LGBTQ family and their allies. Founded in 1998, GALAS is committed to advancing equality for the LGBTQ in Armenian communities. Only together we can nurture stronger, more inclusive society. Pride has always been more than just a celebration; Pride has been a call to resistance. From The Society for Human Rights in 1924, to Mattachine Society in 1950, The Daughters of Bilitis in 1955, The Black Cat, Stonewall to today, LGBTQ rights have been fought for and earned, not given. Today, we must rise up to defend our equality. Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. With LGBTQ concentration camps in current day Chechnya, Russia and attacks on LGBTQ rights here in the U.S., complacency is not an option. We must rise together and be heard loud and clear - we will resist, we will win.
Debra A. Farmer, President/CEO
In 1974, a small group of dedicated feminists and mid-level clinicians came together and started the Women's Health Care Project as part of a larger social change movement in Santa Monica to provide women’s health care. Using the Boston Women's Health Collaborative's "Our Bodies, Ourselves" as inspiration and guidance, today the Women's Health Care Project is Westside Family Health Center, which provides low- and no-cost health care and health education to more than 12,000 women, children and men people on L.A. County's westside. We see patients regardless of race, color, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, gender identification, national origin, disability, veteran status, or any other classification protected by state, federal or local law. And we see all patients regardless of their ability to pay. We join in this march to ensure that we never return to the way it was and that the battles undertaken by our foremothers were not in vain.
Patti Giggans, Executive Director
It is crucial for us to know where we stand, what we stand for and whom we stand with. At Peace Over Violence we stand for peace, justice and equity over violence. It’s in our name, our mission and our vision. However, it’s easier to declare than do. To achieve that vision, we must practice and strive for compassion over judgment, inclusivity over exclusion, intersectionality over separation and fundamentally practice love over hate.
Josh Johnson, Senior Pastor
We are InVision Church of Los Angeles, an inclusive community of Christ-followers who believe that Jesus was the most influential and successful "RESISTOR" of all time. We proclaim a steadfast, bold degree of acceptance, affirmation, and inclusion for every child of God in our midst, and every person that is to come, regardless of sexual orientation, gender, race, class, or background. There is no "second class" status, no stranger or outcast, and no condemnation in the authentic Kingdom of God. We endeavor to reflect a "Visible Jesus" in all that we say and do, and stand solid in our faith in God as an ALL-LOVING and ALL-INCLUSIVE Father who is eternally RESISTANT to anything that is unlike Him. We are ready and honored to proudly march against the world's injustices, just as He did. #AllIn
Jimmy Palmieri, Founder
The Tweakers Project is a West Hollywood-based, established support system focused on harm reduction surrounding crystal meth use. It is our mission to help individuals find the appropriate means of recovery that will be effective and sustainable. Over the years, we have accomplished this by helping to get people into treatment, identify gaps in services such as mental health funding, advocate for improved HIV and homeless shelter programming, shipping literature, media, and supplies across the country and around the world. Many of our members are in states or cities where programs are limited or non-existent.
It is with great interest that we align ourselves with the mission of the #RESIST March on June 11th. The fight that we have to protect and strengthen what we have in place to continue to help our members must be paramount. Members increasing concerns about the potential loss of healthcare or cuts in funding for what little programming there is could be the difference of staying sober, having mental health episodes, or even worse, committing suicide or hurting someone. We have no choice but to remain firm in our mission of helping our community. And that means we will stand and fight for what is right and good. Please join us on Sunday, June 11th.
Michael Gorse, Center Supervisor
The USC LGBT Resource Center has been proudly providing support, education, and advocacy services for the LGBTQ+ community at the University of Southern California. Driven by our mission to serve USC’s diverse and intersectional LGBTQ community, the USC LGBTRC supports the upcoming Resist March and shows solidarity in protecting and celebrating the rich diversity living in this country
Jeffrey King, Executive Director
Our organization, staff and clients are marching for true equality and to show solidarity. We as Black LGBTQ people must continue to take responsibility to ensure that our voices are included and respected both within our own Black community, expanded LGBTQ community, and among our nation’s political leadership.
For multiple decades members of the Gay Elder Circle have been at the forefront of change in California. Our members have been founding Fathers for the original Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Services Center, the Radical Fairies, the Gay Men's Medicine Circle, Strength For The Journey, and The Lavender Effect.
The Gay Elder Circle have evolved into a group that mentors adults and youth on our collective LGBTQ+ history, and shares our collective LGBTQ+ wisdom. Current members of the Gay Elder Circle are at the forefront advocating for LGBTQ+ Senior Rights (Social Security, Single Payer Healthcare, Medicare, and Affordable Housing).
In addition to the above, members of the Gay Elder Circle supports our (LGBTQ) Veterans, and have are leaders in our spiritual community. We frequently participate at Models Of Pride in the Fall at USC, and "Ask the Elder's" panels at Inspire Spiritual Community. Collectively we have served in Board of Directors, or Chair, or President of numerous non-profits.
Diane C. Fraser, Founder/Publisher
Gaygull.com is a website dedicated to uniting the LGBTQ community across America by sharing information and resources specific to the interests and needs of our community. While acceptance of our community as equal contributors to the greater society is vital, the uniqueness within our community deserves celebration as well.
Gaygull was inspired by the gaining momentum of the LGBTQ community’s pursuit of legal and social equality in America over the the last decade. Now we must come together in solidarity that our hard fought rights will not be rescinded! Together, on Sunday June 11th, we will unite in the affirmation of our civil and human rights!
Many of our staff and contributors will be attending the Resist March in WeHo on June 11th, as we believe in the importance of standing up for LGBTQ people who are as deserving as anyone to enjoy equal rights, considerations, opportunities and benefits consistent with the freedom to love whomever one chooses.
Discover it. Embrace it. Gaygull it!
Lynnette McFadzen, President
The bisexual community has been on the front lines of the fight for LGBTQ liberation since the beginning. From bi+ trans leaders like Miss Major and Sylvia Rivera rose up at Stonewall, to the bisexual "Mother of Pride" Brenda Howard, who helped organize the Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day Parade the following year, our community, though not always visible, hasn't wavered in its commitment to resist oppression in all of its forms. As the nation's leading advocacy group for bisexual, queer, pansexual, fluid, and other non-monosexual people, Since 1994 BiNet USA has been advocating for the bisexual+ community and is proud to honor that legacy by supporting the Resist March.
Andy Sacher, Founding Executive & Creative Director
THE LAVENDER EFFECT® is a non-profit project of Community Partners Advancing the Future of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Heritage and Culture! We are proud to join the #ResistMarch to honor our ancestors and celebrate LA! PRIDE/Christopher Street West's historic mission and purpose.
LGBTQ people’s visibility has never been greater and yet many people are living in fear and hopelessness. Though we have made enormous strides over the past half-century, homophobia still exists, and the global epidemic of disenfranchised gay teens continues.
There is an urgent need to educate both our young people and the population-at-large of the positive impact LGBTQ people have on civilization. Our Oral History Project, Educational Programs, and Participatory Tours help to demystify our diverse community, as well as reduce shame, and empower future generations.
Refuse Fascism Los Angeles is proudly standing with #ResistMarch loudly proclaiming NO! In the Name of Humanity We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America! DRIVE OUT THE TRUMP/PENCE FASCIST Regime! Refuse Fascism is organizing to Drive out the Trump/Pence Regime, not waiting until 2018 or special council to investigate the Trump Campaign, but through calling on millions into the streets day and night demanding and not stopping until this regime is driven from power. As our Call to Action states: "Fascism foments and relies on xenophobic nationalism, racism, misogyny, and the aggressive re-institution of oppressive 'traditional values.' In Trump’s election campaign he encouraged and fed on the threat and use of violence to build a movement and come to power...What is crucial to understand is that once in power fascism essentially eliminates traditional democratic rights." (To read the whole call to action: https://refusefascism.org/the-call-to-action-drive-out-the-trumppence-regime/) The attacks on the LGBTQ community are outrageous, and can only get worse under this regime, Trump is passing executive orders that allow attacks on the LGBTQ community in the name of religious freedom. Every outrage committed by this regime must be met with greater and greater resistance. We will NOT Normalize Fascism, We will NOT Accommodate, We will not Conciliate or Collaborate with Fascism. See you all in the streets!
Hailing from the San Fernando Valley, Stand Strong Los Angeles/Indivisible grew out of a desire to not only collectively object to and disapprove of the Trump Administration, but to actively resist and disrupt its mission and devastating assault on human rights and social justice. On June 11th we stand united in solidarity with #ResistMarch to highlight the diversity and the beauty of the LGBTQ+ community. We will not be deterred from raising our voices and showing our true colors and identities. The LGBTQ+ community has been and will continue to be a crucial force in the fight for equality and freedom.
INDIVISIBLE groups are part of a larger grassroots movement rising up across America after the 2016 election to defend basic human and civil rights. An Indivisible group grows organically out of one community. There are many in the Los Angeles area , throughout California and across the nation, (nearly 6,000 strong) standing up to RESIST the policies coming from the most dangerous President in our nation’s history. We are on the front lines within local communities to actively RESIST anything originating from the White House and Congress that assaults basic human rights. We practice Grassroots Advocacy where we attend town hall meetings, make phone calls, send petitions, contact members of Congress and local legislators, march, host events, protest on the streets and at legislators’ offices. To join, or start your own group, go to indivisibleguide.com.

Laura Donney & Katrina Eroen, Founders
Her Time Now is marching to ensure that every woman and girl lives in an America that supports her, protects her, inspires her, and activates her. We resist so that our daughters, and sisters, and nieces, and granddaughters don't have to--- but if they do, we resist so they'll know how.
Veronica De Lara, Program Director
Pueblo y Salud joins this year’s #ResistMarch and stands proudly in support of the rights of all individuals regardless of race, sexual orientation, immigration status, gender and religion. We are all for equality and finding unity in embracing diversity. Join us in the resistance!
Cat Plein, Chief Operating Officer
Pantsuit Nation, an online community of 4 million people, puts the power of storytelling at the heart of politics. Our members come together to listen, to build trust and resilience in the face of hate and fear, and to share resources to effectively resist the current administration. We amplify the voices of those who are under threat in order to increase awareness, spark action, and drive social change. We are proud to join #ResistMarch and stand in solidarity with the LGBTQ community.
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We at Stonewall Young Dems believe the most appropriate way to fight during Pride is to March. This is why we stand with our fellow LGBTQ community and allies in the #ResistMarch, sending a message loud and clear to Washington that we will not be silenced and will prevail.
Courtney Lingle, Co-founder
South Bay Cares is proud to be standing in solidarity with members of our diverse Los Angeles community in the #ResistMarch on June 11th. We believe that “equal" is not separate or conditional and that diversity is our country’s strength. We fight to end ignorance and hate as it limits humanity’s potential. We see beauty and worth in all colors of the rainbow and will continue resist until dignity, equality and civil rights are granted to all.